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The Thai massage

The Thai massage is an ancient form of massage. The original name is "ancient healing touch" and is the translation of the Thai name of this massage technique. This form of massage is partly deeply anchored in Asian culture. It was probably developed by the Buddha's personal physician about 2000 years ago and was then brought to Thailand by Buddhist monks. It has been part of traditional medicine there for centuries.

The Thai massage is said to help you relax and is particularly effective for those who stay in one position for a long time in everyday life. This is probably due to the fact that the Buddhist monks developed this form of massage in order to recover from long periods of meditation.

The aim of the massage is on the one hand to mobilize the body. This is done with strong stretching of the limbs and intense rotations of the body. At the same time, the meridians, i.e. the energy channels, are processed. The energy channels of the body are to be freed again by various pressure grips on the acupressure points.

According to tradition, the massage opens the energy channels and mobilizes the entire body. This is supposed to reduce pain and activate the body's self-healing powers.

Since a session can sometimes last over an hour, you should eat and drink little beforehand. After a treatment, the customer should plan a sufficient break.

It is important that the Thai massage cannot cure any diseases and that a visit to us does not replace the doctor!

Incidentally, the Thai massage has now been declared a World Heritage Site - I think it deserves it and I would like to illustrate it to you.

Your Rotjana

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